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Famous as the youngest press secretary at the White House, Karoline Leavitt is no stranger to scrutiny. This year, however, she is also finding that her looks are being dissected and scrutinized. Did she or did she not undergo plastic surgery – that seems to be the burning question at the moment.

When Did Karoline Leavitt Undergo Plastic Surgery?

Karoline Leavitt never said that she did so. It all began when some side-by-side photos of her past and present appearance began to circulate on the social media. Netizens began to wonder whether her changed nasal appearance and altered facial looks were a result of makeup or some plastic surgery procedure.

Some social media users started to talk about her nose that looked oddly “tiny”, while others remarked that her makeup routine before facing TV crew “leans heavily on contouring”. In short, many people were hinting that she went for a rhinoplasty or “Nose job” soon after she became the 36th press secretary for the White House.

Her lips also invited enough comments, with social media users pointing out to her earlier pictures and trying to draw a contrast in how her lips looked in before-after photos. At least some people wondered whether she went for a lip job and had fillers in them.

Karoline Leavitt has not revealed anything regarding this. From being a speechwriter in 2019, during the first administration of President Donald Trump, to now being the youngest White House press secretary, she has surely come a long way in terms of her political achievements.

Does Karoline Leavitt Need to Undergo Plastic Surgery?

At just 27 years, age is definitely not the reason why she would need it. Besides, she has been blessed with good looks and clearly, can give even some top models a run for money, any day she wants to. However, so many young women like to go for plastic surgeries to improve their looks. If Karoline has not been happy with her appearance for some reason, it is quite possible that she preferred to undergo surgery.

Besides, she has made history as the youngest White House press secretary. That puts her under so much pressure, and with the need to face the camera for much of the day, she might not like to have even the slightest apparent physical flaw coming in the way of her career.

So many politicians have been going for cosmetic enhancement procedures and plastic surgeries to improve their appearance. It comes with the need to look perfect, conforming to the so-called “ideal beauty standards”, and winning public acclaim. So the rush for the surgeon’s knives can be natural.

However, the changes being noted in her appearance could simply be due to altered makeup, loss of some weight caused by her new routine or simply the fact that her previous photos being circulated widely are at least 5 – 10 years old, and a lot in physical appearance can change even in a few months. It cannot clearly be said whether Leavitt opted for Botox, fillers or any surgery.

What Does Karoline Leavitt’s Plastic Surgery Rumors Tell Us?

The rumors and discussions make one thing very clear. When political personalities are said to go for plastic surgery or other cosmetic enhancement procedures, it is viewed less kindly than when showbiz people do it. People in the political domain are still expected to care less about themselves and more about the work that they do, serving the public that is.

However, politicians are humans at the end of the day, and the desire to look good is there in almost everybody. If Karoline Leavitt went for one or more plastic surgeries or intends to go for them in future, it is nothing to be surprised about. Many people have insecurities about their own physical appearance and if Leavitt suffers from the same, she is surely not alone. If cosmetic improvements make her feel more confident while facing the camera, and work better, it will definitely be a good decision.

Parting Shot

Unless Leavitt confirms or quashes the rumors about surgeries, the guesswork will not stop. We wish her the best of luck and hope that her work helps improve the lives of the people of America and beyond, making her important for world in general. Her media addresses will keenly be awaited.

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