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Liposuction is one of the most common procedures used to deal with unwanted fat, giving the body a slimmer and more aesthetic appearance overall. It is a great way to get into shape when you are unable to get rid of stubborn fat that seems to be impossible to shed with natural methods like diet, exercise etc. Typically, it is carried out under the effects of general anesthesia. A surgeon marks the area that the treatment strives to address. Take a look at some of the best areas for liposuction that can help you safely remove fat.


The abdominal area is one of the key regions of the body from which almost anyone can find it tough to shed fat from. For people who want to lose stubborn fat, liposuction is a great procedure to opt for. After weight loss, many people struggle to lose excessive fat from a few areas. The stomach is the most difficult region to lose fat from. When liposuction is performed on the lower and upper stomach, it can help to make the abdomen slimmer and more well-toned.

With advancing age or after life events such as pregnancy, it is common to experience fat accumulation in the abdominal area. Liposuction, when conducted carefully and after proper discussion with a qualified surgeon, can help you to get back to your former shape or look even better.


It is desirable to have some fat in the butt region, to make it look aesthetic. However, too much fat can lead to sagging and dimples. When you undergo liposuction for your butt region, you can look more proportionate. Brazilian butt lift is another popular process that you can plan to undergo, if you are looking for some other solution to get a shapelier, fuller rear section. Shapelier butts are necessary to have that perfect 10-10 beach body or that perfect physique that you dream of.

Lower legs and thighs

There can be fat in these areas even when you go for regular exercises and diet. Fatty lower legs and thighs can ruin your body shape and make you look slightly disproportionate. With liposuction on these areas, you can make the lower part of your body appear just as you want. It can be easier for you to fit into the old pair of jeans, trousers or leggings that you have, or even start wearing shorts without having embarrassing thoughts about how you will look like.

Depending on the amount of fat that is removed, you might need an overnight stay and observation at a hospital. However, most people are able to get back to their home on the same day. It can take anywhere around 1 โ€“ hours to get a liposuction procedure completed. You might need more time if you get it done along with a tummy tuck, belt lipectomy or breast augmentation. 

Love Handles

These areas are the flanks and the waist. Anyone knows just how difficult it can be when it comes to losing fat from these areas, especially for people who have exercised or followed strict diet regimen for a long time, without experiencing much benefits. Liposuction can easily address fat in these regions and give you a well-contoured, toned appearance all over. Countless hours of crunches and sit-ups might be unable to transform your love handles in the way that liposuction can do.

You should keep in mind that the process does not remove stretch marks, cellulite or dimples. It primarily strives to improve your body contours and do away with stubborn fat from your body. You can remove fat cells surgically, changing your body shape for the better.

Final Words

You can go for a specific type of liposuction โ€“ laser-assisted liposuction, ultrasound-assisted liposuction, tumescent liposuction, and Vaser liposuction. The liposuction that will be used in your case will actually depend on the amount of fat that you need to get rid of as well as what kind of treatment objectives you have. However, you have to keep in mind that if you go back to an unhealthy lifestyle after undergoing liposuction, there will be a return of fat cells, and these will grow bigger, making you look a lot less aesthetic than before. Thus, your efforts in maintaining the results should be dedicated, regular, and consistent. If you’re looking for the best liposuction surgeon in CA, choosing an expert with experience in advanced techniques is essential to achieving the best results.

Dr Smiley

Regarded as the preeminent plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills, Dr. Smiley performs groundbreaking cosmetic procedures with a combination of delicacy and accuracy. He has gained worldwide recognition as a prominent figure in the field of plastic surgery.

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