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Pregnancy might be a wonderful journey for any woman, with the joy of motherhood waiting at the end of a challenging roller-coaster of physical transformation and mental emotions. However, the changes that the body goes through can be quite tough to bear. And afterward, with the svelte, beautiful body shape gone for a toss, mothers feel under-confident and slightly sad. Mommy Makeover helps address all those issues. Here is the ultimate guide to the Mommy Makeover Trend, and how it helps restore your pre-pregnancy body.

Which Procedures Make Up Mommy Makeover?

These include:

Tummy tuck

It is also referred to as abdominoplasty. With this procedure, it is possible to get rid of excess fat and skin from the lower abdomen. The abdominal muscles can be tightened and stretch marks can be made lighter in appearance.

Breast procedures

With a Breast lift or Breast augmentation, it is possible to restore breast volume and shape that can get lost during pregnancy and while nursing.


Surgeons can add this procedure to a mommy makeover, and help women lose excess fat that they acquire during pregnancy.

Scar reduction

The appearance of C-section scars and stretch marks can be reduced with microneedling radiofrequency and other similar treatments.

Mommy Makeover Trends in Recent Years

In recent years, various trends have come up to make Mommy Makeover more complete. The 360 Mommy Makeover trend aims to take care of the face along with other visible parts of the body, to yield more satisfying results. Women are also going for custom procedures that are based on their examinations and specific goals. The exact combination of surgeries tends to vary, anyway.

Mommy Makeover can also include various other procedures, such as:

  • Laser hair removal
  • Gynecomastia treatment
  • Axillary breast surgery
  • Mole removal
  • Labiaplasty
  • Breast lift
  • Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL)
  • Double chin reduction
  • Laser treatment for birthmarks
  • Skin rejuvenation treatment

Among these, however, the common procedures involve:

  • Breast Lift,
  • Breast Reduction,
  • Abdominal procedures like abdominoplasty and liposuction of the abdomen and/or back,
  • Liposuction with an abdominoplasty (or a tummy tuck)

With all these techniques, mothers can look nearly as perfect, or even better, than before.

Should You Go For a Mommy Makeover?

If lifestyle changes and other alterations, workouts, and changes in diet fail to bring about any noticeable results, a Mommy Makeover might be the best way forward. You can achieve good results for a long time and with maintenance efforts, enjoy lasting outcomes for more time.

You must get in touch with a qualified surgeon who is an expert in Mommy Makeover procedures, to get the kind of results that you need. Getting back your pre-pregnancy body shape is not that difficult if you work with precision and hire the best cosmetic surgeon for proper evaluation. If you are evaluated well and determined to be a fit candidate for surgery, you can choose to go under the knife and get back the body and confidence that you wish for.

Dr Smiley

Regarded as the preeminent plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills, Dr. Smiley performs groundbreaking cosmetic procedures with a combination of delicacy and accuracy. He has gained worldwide recognition as a prominent figure in the field of plastic surgery.